Meaning of ONE-STOP in English





First is the main exception to the principle of one-stop shopping .

Where now is the consumer's demand for weekly one-stop shopping when bread has to be bought fresh daily?

For one-stop shopping for all your sightseeing and entertainment needs, call the Bureau.

It's the ideal one-stop shopping option for the d-i-y enthusiast.

Where more than 700 competitive service specialists offer you one-stop shopping .

The proposition is simple - one-stop shopping for both lubricants and vehicle parts.


First is the main exception to the principle of one-stop shopping.

He was a full-service hypnotherapist, a one-stop brain wave shopping source.

Is not there a means of creating a one-stop application in such circumstances?

Southerners buy own label products and are one-stop shoppers.

The attraction to consumers, Schneider said, would be one-stop shopping and possibly extra services.

The companies, including Pac Bell, are eager to provide one-stop communications shopping to consumers.

The course developed by Newcastle poly which should become Northumbria University next month is a one-stop route to becoming a trainee solicitor.

They have a one-stop flight via Copenhagen.

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