cassette recorder
flight recorder
tape recorder
video cassette recorder
video recorder
The assistant recorder , sitting in the county court, refused leave to introduce the counterclaim and made an order for possession.
The court also upheld the decision of the assistant recorder to reject the counterclaim which the defendant sought to introduce.
The assistant recorder determined the preliminary issue in favour of the plaintiff, and the council now appeal to this court against his decision.
The assistant recorder determined that issue in the plaintiff's favour.
They watched him as he picked up the cassette tape recorder and shut it off.
More than 1, 000 pirate videos and 63 video recorders were also seized.
Even with the kids, wanting to show them things on the video recorder .
Automobiles, video recorders , washing machines, personal computers, and most furniture are good examples of consumer durables.
Unless you taped it on your videocassette recorder .
You can easily make copies of the tape using a videocassette recorder .
The other significant problem that is currently dogging the presentation graphics market is that film recorders come with a paucity of typefaces.
Some suppliers are beginning to develop additional faces but the obvious way forward is to create a PostScript film recorder .
Accident investigators have found the black box flight recorder .
There remain the specialists who look after the flight recorder side of aircraft accident investigation.
Flight Recorders Missing Falcon N888AR had voice and flight recorders installed in its tail.
The small flight recorder section is headed by an Assistant principal Inspector.
These were essentially flight recorders but were not made to withstand crash forces.
Aerodrome information 11. Flight recorders 12.
Out of the bag he took a red wig and a tape recorder .
They watched him as he picked up the cassette tape recorder and shut it off.
The company had hired a standard Sony digital tape recorder which was hooked to Johnson's own analogue-to-digital conversion system.
And as cameras, microphones and tape recorders heated up, here is what immediately happened: Nothing.
He found the tape recorder attached to a small alcove carved out from underneath the desk.
He took his hand-held tape recorder out of an inner pocket.
He says he only recorded the conversation on this tape recorder , so he could play it his wife.
He reads them aloud into a tape recorder and marks changes on paper.
Black box-style voice recorders should also be introduced.
The lawyers also said they want to get a transcript of the cockpit voice recorder .
One of the tests is a more sophisticated study of the brief noise heard at the end of the cockpit voice recorder .
I closed the doors and switched on the tape recorder .
When this was over, I would switch the tape recorder off and offer some drinks.
The next moment she'd switched off the recorder , so violently that she dropped the remote control.
From the rattles and clunks it's difficult to tell what's happening, but I switch on the cassette recorder in case.
Mama went through the house turning off recorders .
I would turn the tape recorder on, and ask them to count from 1 to 20 in their best accents.
And 6 percent - mostly elderly - say they are totally baffled and can not use their recorders at all.
Just imagine using a tape recorder and hanging the microphone on a light pole.
Recordings of one child with one adult may be made using a domestic tape recorder and a standard microphone.
You can easily make copies of the tape using a videocassette recorder .
You should aim to be using video in the classroom as easily as you use the audiocassette recorder or the Overhead Projector.
If they invent little songs, we can give them blank cassettes and show them how to use the tape recorder .
Alternatively use a small tape recorder so that you can join in the conversation without notetaking.
So the Martins taped the discussion, using the tape recorder they happened to keep in the car for this purpose.
a tape recorder
The deed must be filed with the county recorder .
the flight data recorder
And as cameras, microphones and tape recorders heated up, here is what immediately happened: Nothing.
Disconnecting the wire, Coleman pocketed the recorder , handed the receiver to El-Jorr and walked out of the room.
Fonti dictated notes to himself into a small pocket tape recorder .
For it is as a member, and a recorder , of the new bourgeoisie that Boilly most deserves our attention.
Recordings of one child with one adult may be made using a domestic tape recorder and a standard microphone.
She took her Sony tape recorder out of her bag and placed it down.
There remain the specialists who look after the flight recorder side of aircraft accident investigation.
Underneath, attached to his plaid belt, was a small tape recorder .