I. verb
I thought I was going to be sucked out .
He had greatly impressed us by sucking out raw eggs and swinging dangerously from the barn rafters.
With the breath sucked out of her lungs, she could barely stand upright in the face of the gusts.
When the autumn gales blew you could see the smoke being sucked out through the wall like water out of a leaky bucket.
Velocity and fusion sucking up the shocked air .
I breathe, sucking air while circling left.
You just sucked in air . 14.
Only a small amount of sand is sucked up if the air flow is kept low.
A white preacher who prayed for their souls while Sethe peeled potatoes and Grandma Baby sucked air .
Bernice sucked in air with a rasping gasp that hurt her throat.
Within hours the bubble had begun to expand and rise, sucking in the surrounding air .
Mums found their babies sucking the studs after pulling them off.
The louse then feeds by sucking the fish's blood .
I keep sucking the blood from my thumb, so as not to spoil things by messing the sheet.
I sucked on breath mints, rubbed deodorant under my arms and on my feet.
Chesarynth sucked in another breath of the sweet, tangy air and melted into the crowd, shuffling inside with the rest.
As he sucked in his breath , the hand covering her mouth fell.
Bernice sucked in a deep breath , searching for a tell-tale smell - and there it was!
The waiting crowd of marchers groaned and sucked in their breath in sympathetic pain at every blow.
He sucked in a deep breath .
She responded, not laughing but sucking in her cheeks like a man blowing on to his hands in cold weather.
She sucked in her cheeks on it, manipulating her lithe tongue around its thickness.
When he had finished decoding, he sucked in his cheeks .
The yellow one muttered a remark to her companion, who laughed and sucked on a cigarette .
She sucked , and the cigarette end glowed.
Eikhl sucked on his cigarette , but it had gone out.
The lips and hands have the most touch receptors; this may explain why newborns enjoy sucking their fingers .
She remembered Doc Threadneedle suggesting she try sucking her finger and sticking it in an electric socket.
He sucked a bit of juice from one of his fingers and tried to think of something to say.
He plucked and ate them with surprising sensuality, sucking out the juice and spitting the pips into his left hand.
This toxic recycling has sucked the life out of political debate.
Death thoughts turn your hair white, make you weak and break you, sucking out your life .
The 11-11 mark over the past two years has sorta sucked the life out of Wildcat fans.
The centre of Dixie's shirt caves in instantly, as if a hidden mouth inside had sucked at it and vomited blood.
A variety of objects are placed in the mouth or sucked via the sucking reflex.
He brought his hand to his mouth , sucked the back of his forefinger.
Yet I could not stop my mouth from sucking at the root.
He was twiddling a piece of cork and sucking on his empty pipe .
As it passes through the device, the water decreases in pressure, sucking more water into pipes .
Hence the comfort from eating, sucking sweets or a pipe , and drawing on a cigarette.
She was sucking her thumb so it came out very indistinctly.
When she brought it, he was sitting at his typewriter, sucking his damaged thumb .
Then he led her to his bed and let her sleep, childlike in her position as she sucked her thumb .
Most fetuses sucked their right thumb , with only 5.4% preferring their left.
He sucked his teeth for a minute.
But he just shook his head, sucked his teeth and shuffled out.
Denis whisked open the fridge and sucked on his teeth .
Pumping air into these causes water to be sucked through with the bubbles as they rise to the surface.
The water sucked and swallowed itself beneath them.
The water was sucked into the pores.
They discarded clothes, finished their water and desperately sucked at the tomatoes for moisture.
He's eight years old and he still sucks his thumb.
Let's not go there -- the food sucks.
Our reporters uncovered a generation who have been sucked into a dark underworld of solvent abuse and hard drugs.
She's got long fair hair and a little white face and she sucks her thumb a lot.
The eighth time the hand enters the mouth, the thumb alone is retained and sucking continues.
This toxic recycling has sucked the life out of political debate.
II. noun
teach your grandmother (to suck eggs)