Meaning of SHORT in English

short, Short BrE AmE ʃɔːt AmE ʃɔːrt

▷ shorted ˈʃɔːt ɪd -əd AmE ˈʃɔːrt̬ əd

▷ shorter ˈʃɔːt ə AmE ˈʃɔːrt̬ ə r

▷ shortest ˈʃɔːt ɪst -əst AmE ˈʃɔːrt̬ əst

▷ shorting ˈʃɔːt ɪŋ AmE ˈʃɔːrt̬ ɪŋ

▷ shorts ʃɔːts AmE ʃɔːrts

▶ ˌ short ˌ back and ˈ sides BrE AmE

▶ ˌ short ˈ circuit BrE AmE

▶ ˈ short cut, ˌ• ˈ• — Preference poll, British English: ˈ•• 59%, ˌ•ˈ• 41% BrE AmE

▶ ˈ short list BrE AmE

▶ ˌ short ˈ shrift BrE AmE

▶ ˌ short ˈ story BrE AmE

▶ ˌ short ˈ term BrE AmE

▶ ˌ short ˈ time BrE AmE

▶ ˌ short ˈ wave BrE AmE

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.