toy BrE AmE tɔɪ
▷ toyed tɔɪd
▷ toying ˈtɔɪ ɪŋ
▷ toys tɔɪz
▶ ˈ toy ˌ factory where toys are made, ˌ toy ˈ factory for a child to play with
▶ ˌ toy ˈ gun BrE AmE
▶ ˌ toy ˈ poodle BrE AmE
▶ ˌ toy ˈ soldier BrE AmE
toy BrE AmE tɔɪ
▷ toyed tɔɪd
▷ toying ˈtɔɪ ɪŋ
▷ toys tɔɪz
▶ ˈ toy ˌ factory where toys are made, ˌ toy ˈ factory for a child to play with
▶ ˌ toy ˈ gun BrE AmE
▶ ˌ toy ˈ poodle BrE AmE
▶ ˌ toy ˈ soldier BrE AmE
Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary. Английский словарь произношений Longman. 2012