I. ˈtȯi noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English toye dalliance
1. obsolete
a. : amorous dalliance : flirtatious or seductive behavior
b. : pastime , sport ; also : a sportive or amusing act or acts : antic
c. : a wild fancy : an odd conceit : whim , caprice
d. : foolish dislike : aversion
a. : something (as a concern, preoccupation, interest) that is paltry or trifling : something without real or permanent value
b. : something uttered, written, or composed in jest or play or as a pure diversion : a light, gay, or diverting speech, play, or tune : a literary or musical trifle
c. : a small, dainty, elegant, or showy article prized rather for its charm or interest than for utilitarian qualities : trinket , knickknack , bauble
a. : something designed for amusement or diversion rather than practical use
b. : an article for the playtime use of a child either representational (as of persons, creatures, or implements) and intended especially to stimulate imagination, mimetic activity, or manipulative skill or nonrepresentational (as balls, tops, jump ropes) and intended especially to encourage manual and muscular dexterity and group integration
a. : something diminutive especially in comparison with others of the same general class
the tug was a toy beside the ship that it guided
b. : a diminutive animal ; especially : one of a breed or variety distinguished primarily by small size
5. : something that can be toyed with: as
a. : a small or insignificant person : weakling ; also : one that is an object of derision or contempt
b. : woman ; especially : mistress
6. Scotland : a headdress of linen or woolen hanging down over the shoulders and formerly worn by old women of the lower classes
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
intransitive verb
1. : to dally amorously : indulge in a flirtation
2. : to act as though unconcerned, indifferent, or not serious : deal lightly or without vigor or purpose : trifle
toy with great issues
toys with his dinner
3. : to while away the time in or as if in sport or play : amuse oneself as if with a plaything
transitive verb
: to spend or use up in toying ; also : to bring (oneself) by toying into or out of a specified or implied condition
III. adjective
1. : designed or made for use as a toy
a toy stove
a set of toy soldiers
2. : resembling a toy especially in diminutive size or delicate and fragile form
a toy house