Meaning of COMPLAINT in English

com ‧ plaint S3 W3 /kəmˈpleɪnt/ BrE AmE noun

[ Date: 1300-1400 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: complainte , from complaindre ; ⇨ ↑ complain ]

1 . [uncountable and countable] a statement in which someone complains about something:

If you wish to make a complaint, you should see the manager.

The sales assistants are trained to deal with customer complaints in a friendly manner.

complaint about

Keating was dismissed after complaints about the quality of his work.

complaint of

complaints of police brutality

complaint from/to

complaints from local residents

a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority

complaint against

All complaints against police officers are carefully investigated.

complaint that

We are concerned by complaints that children are being bullied.

2 . [countable] something that you complain about:

Our main complaint was the poor standard of service.

My only complaint is that the price is rather high.

3 . [countable] formal an illness that affects a particular part of your body:

He is having treatment for a chest complaint.

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■ verbs

▪ make a complaint (=complain formally to someone)

The manager of the team decided to make a complaint about the referee.

▪ file/lodge a complaint formal (=make a complaint)

She filed a complaint against several of her colleagues.

▪ have a complaint (=want to complain about something)

Please let us know if you have any complaints about our service.

▪ bring a complaint against somebody formal (=complain in a formal, legal way)

Higgins brought a complaint against his former manager.

▪ receive a complaint ( also have a complaint )

Our department has received a number of complaints from the public.

▪ deal with/handle a complaint

Police officers came to the house to deal with a complaint about noise.

▪ investigate a complaint

The dog was rescued after officials investigated a complaint of neglect.

▪ uphold a complaint (=say it is reasonable)

The complaint was upheld and the advertisement was withdrawn.

▪ a complaint concerns something/relates to something

We have received a number of complaints concerning faulty goods.

■ ADJECTIVES/NOUN + complaint

▪ a formal/official complaint

The man has lodged a formal complaint against the police.

▪ a common/widespread/frequent complaint

A common complaint of children is that parents do not listen to them.

▪ a serious complaint

Serious complaints of negligence have been made.

▪ a customer/consumer complaint

As a result of the improvements, customer complaints went down by 70%.

▪ a bitter complaint (=a very angry one)

The people are full of bitter complaints about their government.

▪ a familiar complaint (=one that you have heard many times)

A lack of good public transport is a familiar complaint.

■ phrases

▪ cause/grounds for complaint (=a good reason to complain)

I do not think that he has any cause for complaint.

▪ a letter of complaint

I wrote a letter of complaint to the hospital manager.

▪ a complaints procedure (=a system for dealing with complaints)

There is a very straightforward complaints procedure you must follow.

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▪ complaint something that you say or write when you are complaining, especially to someone in an official position:

If you have any complaints, please contact our customer relations department.


Our main complaint is the poor standard of service.


If you have a complaint, you should write to the manager.

| make a complaint :

Some employees are worried about what will happen to them if they make a complaint.

| complaint about :

Keating was dismissed after complaints about the quality of his work.

| formal complaint :

Mr Kelly has made a formal complaint against the police.

| letters of complaint :

The commission has so far received nearly 10,000 letters of complaint.

▪ protest when someone complains publicly about something that they think is wrong or unfair and should not be allowed to happen:

Despite their protests, the students’ fees were increased.

| in protest (=as a way of making a protest) :

When two members of the team were dismissed, the rest of them walked out in protest.

| protest against :

The ambassador lodged a formal protest against the proposals.

| ignore somebody’s protests :

Ignoring my protests, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.

▪ grievance something that you feel unhappy about because you think that you have been treated unfairly – use this especially about an official complaint you make about the place where you work: file a grievance (=officially complain) :

She filed a grievance last year after her supervisor refused to promote her.

| grievance against :

Anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company can take it to the arbitration committee.

| air a grievance (=discuss a grievance publicly) :

The meetings give employees the opportunity to express their views or air grievances.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.