I. crude 1 /kruːd/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Date: 1300-1400 ; Language: Latin ; Origin: crudus 'raw, rough, cruel' ]
1 . not exact or without any detail, but generally correct and useful ⇨ approximate :
a crude estimate of the population available for work
2 . not developed to a high standard, or made with little skill:
a crude wooden bridge
crude workmanship
3 . offensive or rude, especially in a sexual way SYN vulgar :
crude pictures
His language was often crude.
4 . [only before noun] crude oil, rubber etc is in its natural or raw condition before it is treated with chemicals
5 . in crude terms expressed in a simple way:
Private morality, in crude terms, is not the law’s business.
—crudely adverb :
crudely built shacks
—crudeness noun [uncountable]
—crudity noun [uncountable and countable]
II. crude 2 BrE AmE ( also ˌcrude ˈoil ) noun [uncountable]
oil that is in its natural condition, as it comes out of an ↑ oil well , before it is made more pure or separated into different products:
1,000 barrels of crude