Meaning of CRUDE in English

superl unripe; not mature or perfect; immature.

2. crude ·superl undigested; unconcocted; not brought into a form to give nourishment.

3. crude ·superl not reduced to order or form; unfinished; not arranged or prepared; ill-considered; immature.

4. crude ·superl having, or displaying, superficial and undigested knowledge; without culture or profundity; as, a crude reasoner.

5. crude ·superl harsh and offensive, as a color; tawdry or in bad taste, as a combination of colors, or any design or work of art.

6. crude ·superl in its natural state; not cooked or prepared by fire or heat; undressed; not altered, refined, or prepared for use by any artificial process; raw; as, crude flesh.

Webster English vocab.      Английский словарь Webster.