Meaning of DOSE in English

I. dose 1 /dəʊs $ doʊs/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

[ Date: 1400-1500 ; Language: French ; Origin: Greek dosis , from didonai 'to give' ]

1 . the amount of a medicine or a drug that you should take

dose of

Never exceed the recommended dose of painkillers.

high/low dose

Start with a low dose and increase it.

2 . an amount of something that you do or experience at one time, especially something unpleasant

a bad/mild dose of flu British English (=making you feel very ill or only slightly ill)

Dave had a bad dose of flu.

lethal/fatal dose (of something) (=an amount that kills)

a lethal dose of radiation

I quite like Jamie in small doses (=in limited amounts but not a lot or often) .

3 . like a dose of salts British English informal very quickly and easily:

The cleaners went through the house like a dose of salts.

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■ adjectives

▪ a high/large dose

High doses of the drug can have bad side effects.

▪ a low/small dose

Treatment should be started with a small dose.

▪ a daily dose

The study shows that a daily dose of aspirin may reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer.

▪ the recommended dose (=recommended by medical experts)

The current recommended dose is 250 mg a day.

▪ a lethal/fatal dose (=an amount that kills you)

She took a lethal dose of painkillers.

▪ a single dose

The medicine is given as a single dose.

■ verbs

▪ take a dose of something

He had taken his usual dose of sleeping pills.

▪ give somebody a dose

A nurse came in to give me a dose of antibiotics.

▪ exceed the dose (=take more of a medicine than is recommended)

You should take care not to exceed the recommended dose of paracetamol.

II. dose 2 BrE AmE verb [transitive] ( also dose up )

to give someone medicine or a drug

dose somebody/yourself with something

Sumi dosed herself up with aspirin and went to bed.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.