I. e ‧ nam ‧ el 1 /ɪˈnæm ə l/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]
[ Date: 1400-1500 ; Origin: ⇨ ↑ enamel 2 ]
1 . a hard shiny substance that is put onto metal, clay etc for decoration or protection
2 . the hard smooth outer surface of your teeth
3 . a type of paint that produces a shiny surface when it is dry
—enamel adjective
II. enamel 2 BrE AmE verb ( past tense and past participle enamelled , present participle enamelling British English , enameled , enameling American English ) [transitive]
[ Date: 1300-1400 ; Language: Anglo-French ; Origin: enamailler , from Old French esmail 'enamel' ]
to cover or decorate with enamel