I. joint 1 S2 W2 /dʒɔɪnt/ BrE AmE adjective [only before noun]
[ Date: 1300-1400 ; Language: French ; Origin: past participle of joindre ; ⇨ ↑ join ]
1 . involving two or more people or groups, or owned or shared by them:
The two ministers have issued a joint statement.
Both companies are involved in the joint development of a new medium-sized car.
The meal was a joint effort (=two or more people worked on it together) .
Manchester United and Arsenal are joint favourites to win the title (=are thought to have the same chance of winning) .
Both parties must sign the form if the account is to be in joint names (=belong to two named people) .
2 . joint venture a business activity begun by two or more people or companies working together
3 . joint resolution law a decision or law agreed by both houses of the US Congress and signed by the president
—jointly adverb :
tenants who are jointly responsible for their rent
II. joint 2 BrE AmE noun [countable]
[ Date: 1200-1300 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: jointe , from joindre ; ⇨ ↑ join ]
1 . a part of your body that can bend because two bones meet there
knee/neck/hip/elbow etc joint
a permanently damaged knee joint
2 . British English a large piece of meat, usually containing a bone
joint of
a joint of beef
3 . a place where two things or parts of an object are joined together:
What should I use to seal the joint between the carport roof and the house wall?
4 . out of joint
a) if a bone in your body is out of joint, it has been pushed out of its correct position
b) if a system, group etc is out of joint, it is not working properly:
Something is out of joint in our society.
⇨ put sb’s nose out of joint at ↑ nose 1 (15)
5 . informal a cheap bar, club, or restaurant:
a hamburger joint
⇨ ↑ clip joint
6 . informal a cigarette containing ↑ cannabis SYN spliff
⇨ case the joint at ↑ case 2 (2)
III. joint 3 BrE AmE verb [transitive]
to cut meat into joints