Meaning of MARX, KARL in English

Marx, Karl /mɑːks $ mɑːrks, kɑːl $ kɑːrl/ BrE AmE

(1818–83) a German writer and political ↑ philosopher whose ideas have had an important influence on politics in the 20th century. He established the principles of ↑ communism in The Communist Manifesto , which he wrote with Friedrich ↑ Engels in 1848. In 1849 he moved to London, where he wrote his most important book ↑ Das Kapital . He is buried in Highgate ↑ cemetery in London and many people go to see his grave there. Marx's picture and his name are often used to represent Communism.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.