mi ‧ grate AC /maɪˈɡreɪt $ ˈmaɪɡreɪt/ BrE AmE verb
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ migration , ↑ migrant ; verb : ↑ migrate ; adjective : ↑ migratory ]
[ Date: 1600-1700 ; Language: Latin ; Origin: past participle of migrare ]
1 . [intransitive + from/to] if birds or animals migrate, they travel regularly from one part of the world to another ⇨ migratory
2 . [intransitive + from/to] if people migrate, they go to live in another area or country, especially in order to find work ⇨ emigrate
3 .
a) [I,T + from/to] to start using a different computer system, or to arrange for people to start using a different computer system
b) [T + from/to] to move information or software from one computer system to another