pro ‧ duc ‧ er W3 /prəˈdjuːsə $ -ˈduːsər/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ produce , ↑ producer , ↑ product , ↑ production , ↑ reproduction , ↑ productivity ; adjective : ↑ productive ≠ ↑ unproductive , ↑ counterproductive , ↑ reproductive , ↑ reproducible ; verb : ↑ produce , ↑ reproduce ; adverb : ↑ productively ]
1 . someone whose job is to control the preparation of a play, film, or broadcast, but who does not direct the actors
television/film/theatre producer
Hollywood producers and movie stars
2 . ( also record producer ) someone whose job is to organize and direct the recording and production of a record
3 . a person, company, or country that makes or grows goods, foods, or materials ⇨ consumer
producer of
South Carolina is the fourth largest producer of tobacco.
coffee/wine/car etc producer
leading oil producers