Meaning of SHELF in English

shelf S3 W3 /ʃelf/ BrE AmE noun ( plural shelves /ʃelvz/)

[ Date: 1300-1400 ; Language: Middle Low German ; Origin: schelf ]

1 . [countable] a long flat narrow board attached to a wall or in a frame or cupboard, used for putting things on

top/bottom/next etc shelf

Put it back on the top shelf.

shelves of books

supermarket shelves

the amount of shelf space available

2 . [countable] a narrow surface of rock shaped like a shelf, especially under water ⇨ ↑ continental shelf

3 . off-the-shelf available to be bought immediately, without having to be specially designed or ordered:

off-the-shelf software packages

⇨ ↑ off-the-peg

4 . on the shelf

a) if something is left on the shelf, it is not used or considered:

The album stayed on the shelf for several years, until it was finally released.

b) British English old-fashioned too old to get married – used especially of women

⇨ ↑ shelve (3)

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.