Pronunciation: ' shelf
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural shelves \ ' shelvz \
Etymology: Middle English, probably from Old English scylfe; akin to Old Norse hl ī th skjalf Odin's seat
Date: 14th century
1 a : a thin flat usually long and narrow piece of material (as wood) fastened horizontally (as on a wall) at a distance from the floor to hold objects b : one of several similar pieces in a closet, bookcase, or similar structure c : the contents of a shelf <the author of a shelf of best sellers>
2 : something resembling a shelf in form or position: as a : a sandbank or ledge of rocks usually partially submerged b : a flat projecting layer of rock c : the submerged gradually sloping border of a continent or island : CONTINENTAL SHELF
– shelf · ful \ ' shelf- ˌ fu ̇ l \ noun
– shelf · like \ ' shelf- ˌ l ī k \ adjective
– off the shelf : available from stock : not made to order < off the shelf equipment>
– on the shelf : in a state of inactivity or uselessness