Pronunciation: ˌ a-pl ə - ' k ā -sh ə n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English applicacioun, from Latin application-, applicatio inclination, from applicare
Date: 15th century
1 : an act of applying: a (1) : an act of putting to use < application of new techniques> (2) : a use to which something is put <new application s for old remedies> (3) : a program (as a word processor or a spreadsheet) that performs one of the major tasks for which a computer is used b : an act of administering or superposing < application of paint to a house> c : assiduous attention <succeeds by application to her studies>
2 a : REQUEST , PETITION <an application for financial aid> b : a form used in making a request
3 : the practical inference to be derived from a discourse (as a moral tale)
4 : a medicated or protective layer or material <an oily application for dry skin>
5 : capacity for practical use <words of varied application >