Pronunciation: ' ask, ' äsk; dial ' aks
Function: verb
Inflected Form: asked \ ' as(k)t, ' äs(k)t, ' ask; dial ' akst \ ; ask · ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ā scian; akin to Old High German eisc ō n to ask, Lithuanian ei š koti to seek, Sanskrit icchati he seeks
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
1 a : to call on for an answer <she ask ed him about his trip> b : to put a question about < ask ing her whereabouts> c : SPEAK , UTTER < ask a question>
2 a : to make a request of <she ask ed her teacher for help> b : to make a request for <she ask ed help from her teacher>
3 : to call for : REQUIRE <a challenge that will ask much of us>
4 : to set as a price < ask ed $3000 for the car>
intransitive verb
1 : to seek information
2 : to make a request < ask ed for food>
3 : LOOK ― often used in the phrase ask for trouble
– ask · er noun
synonyms ASK , QUESTION , INTERROGATE , QUERY , INQUIRE mean to address a person in order to gain information. ASK implies no more than the putting of a question < ask for directions>. QUESTION usually suggests the asking of series of questions < questioned them about every detail of the trip>. INTERROGATE suggests formal or official systematic questioning <the prosecutor interrogated the witness all day>. QUERY implies a desire for authoritative information or confirmation < queried a librarian about the book>. INQUIRE implies a searching for facts or for truth often specifically by asking questions <began to inquire of friends and teachers what career she should pursue>.
synonyms ASK , REQUEST , SOLICIT mean to seek to obtain by making one's wants known. ASK implies no more than the statement of the desire < ask a favor of a friend>. REQUEST implies greater formality and courtesy < requests the pleasure of your company>. SOLICIT suggests a calling attention to one's wants or desires by public announcement or advertisement <a letter soliciting information>.