Pronunciation: ' brüz
Function: verb
Inflected Form: bruised ; bruis · ing
Etymology: Middle English brusen, brisen, from Anglo-French & Old English; Anglo-French bruiser, briser to break, of Celtic origin; akin to Old Irish bruid he shatters; Old English bry ̄ san to bruise; akin to Old Irish bruid, Latin frustum piece
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 a archaic : DISABLE b : BATTER , DENT
2 : to inflict a bruise on : CONTUSE
3 : to break down (as leaves or berries) by pounding : CRUSH
4 : WOUND , INJURE especially : to inflict psychological hurt on <a bruised ego>
intransitive verb
1 : to inflict a bruise
2 : to undergo bruising <her skin bruise s easily>