[bruise] vb bruised ; bruis.ing [ME brusen, brisen, fr. MF & OE; MF bruisier to break, of Celt origin; akin to OIr bruid he shatters; OE brysan to bruise; akin to OIr bruid, L frustum piece] vt (14c) 1 a archaic: disable b: batter, dent
2: to inflict a bruise on: contuse
3: to break down (as leaves or berries) by pounding: crush
4: wound, injure; esp: to inflict psychological hurt on ~ vi 1: to inflict a bruise
2: to undergo bruising
[2]bruise n (1541) 1 a: an injury involving rupture of small blood vessels and discoloration without a break in the overlying skin: contusion b: a similar injury to plant tissue
2: abrasion, scratch
3: an injury esp. to the feelings