Meaning of BUCK in English


Function: transitive verb

Date: 1750

1 a archaic : 1 BUTT b : OPPOSE , RESIST < buck ing the system>

2 : to throw (as a rider) by bucking

3 : to charge into (as a headwind)

4 a : to pass especially from one person to another b : to move or load (as heavy objects) especially with mechanical equipment

intransitive verb

1 of a horse or mule : to spring into the air with the back arched

2 : to charge against something (as an obstruction)

3 a : to move or react jerkily b : to refuse assent : BALK

4 : to strive for advancement sometimes without regard to ethical behavior < buck ing for a promotion>

– buck · er noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.