Meaning of CAMP in English


Pronunciation: ' kamp

Function: noun

Usage: often attrib

Etymology: Middle French, probably from Middle French dialect (Picard) or Old Occitan, from Latin campus plain, field

Date: 1528

1 a : a place usually away from urban areas where tents or simple buildings (as cabins) are erected for shelter or for temporary residence (as for laborers, prisoners, or vacationers) <migrant labor camp > b : a group of tents, cabins, or huts <fishing camp s along the river> c : a settlement newly sprung up in a lumbering or mining region d : a place usually in the country for recreation or instruction often during the summer <goes to camp every July> also : a program offering access to recreational or educational facilities for a limited period of time <computer camp > <a resort offering boating and hiking camp s > e : a preseason training session for athletes <the star pitcher injured in camp this spring>

2 a : a body of persons encamped b (1) : a group of persons especially : a group engaged in promoting or defending a theory, doctrine, position, or person (2) : an ideological position

3 : military service or life

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