Meaning of CAT in English

n. ringtailed cat

ringtail cat

civet cat

alley cat

Angora cat

bell the cat

cat a mountain

cat and mouse

cat burglar

cat distemper

cat o' nine tails

cat rig

cat rigged

CAT scan

CAT scanning

CAT scanner

cat's cradle

cat scratch disease

cat scratch fever

cat's eye

cat's eyes

cat's meow

cat's paw

cat's paws

channel cat

Cheshire cat

coon cat

dead cat bounce

fat cat

house cat

jungle cat

leopard cat

let the cat out of the bag

Maine cat

Manx cat

Persian cat

saber toothed cat

scaredy cat

Siamese cat

spoonbill cat

tiger cat

cats and dogs

rain cats and dogs

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.