Pronunciation: ' kän- ˌ trer- ē , - ˌ tre-r ē , 4 often k ə n- ' trer- ē
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 : being so different as to be at opposite extremes : OPPOSITE <come to the contrary conclusion> <went off in contrary directions> also : being opposite to or in conflict with each other < contrary viewpoints>
2 : being not in conformity with what is usual or expected <actions contrary to company policy> < contrary evidence>
3 : UNFAVORABLE ― used of wind or weather
4 : temperamentally unwilling to accept control or advice
– con · trari · ly \ - ˌ trer- ə -l ē , - ' trer- \ adverb
– con · trari · ness \ - ˌ trer- ē -n ə s, - ' trer- \ noun
synonyms CONTRARY , PERVERSE , RESTIVE , BALKY , WAYWARD mean inclined to resist authority or control. CONTRARY implies a temperamental unwillingness to accept orders or advice <a contrary child>. PERVERSE may imply wrongheaded, determined, or cranky opposition to what is reasonable or normal <a perverse, intractable critic>. RESTIVE suggests unwillingness or inability to submit to discipline or follow orders <tired soldiers growing restive >. BALKY suggests a refusing to proceed in a desired direction or course of action <a balky witness>. WAYWARD suggests strong-willed capriciousness and irregularity in behavior <a school for wayward youths>. synonym see in addition OPPOSITE