Synonyms and related words :
abjuratory, abnegative, adversary, adversative, adverse, adversive, alien, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antipodal, antipode, antipodean, antipodes, antipole, antithesis, antithetic, antithetical, antonym, antonymous, argumentative, assorted, at cross-purposes, at loggerheads, at odds, at opposite extremes, at variance, at war, awkward, back to back, bad, balancing, balky, bulky, cantankerous, choking, clashing, clumsy, compensating, competitive, con, conflicting, confounding, confronting, confutative, confuting, constrictive, contra, contradicting, contradictory, contradistinct, contrapositive, contrarily, contrarious, contrariwise, contrasted, contrasting, contrawise, contumacious, converse, conversely, counter, counteractive, counterbalance, counterbalancing, countercheck, counterpoint, counterpoise, counterpoised, counterpole, counterproductive, counterterm, countervailing, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crosswise, cumbersome, dead against, denying, departing, detrimental, deviant, deviating, deviative, different, differentiated, differing, difficult, disaccordant, disaffirming, disagreeable, disagreeing, disallowing, disavowing, disclaiming, discordant, discrepant, discrete, discriminated, disharmonious, disjoined, disowning, disparate, disproportionate, dissentient, dissenting, dissident, dissimilar, dissonant, distinct, distinguished, divergent, diverging, divers, diverse, diversified, enemy, eyeball to eyeball, face to face, foil, foul, fractious, froward, grating, hard, harmful, headstrong, heterogeneous, hindering, hindersome, hostile, hulking, hulky, immiscible, impractical, in disagreement, in opposition, in opposition to, in the way, inaccordant, inauspicious, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inconsonant, inconvenient, inharmonious, inhibiting, inhibitive, inimical, inopportune, insubordinate, interrupting, interruptive, intractable, inverse, irascible, irreconcilable, jangling, jarring, just opposite, many, miserable, motley, multifarious, negative, negatory, nonconformable, nonconforming, nonconformist, noncooperative, nonobservant, nose to nose, not easy, obstinate, obstructing, obstructive, obstruent, obverse, occlusive, offset, opponent, opposed, opposing, opposite, opposite number, oppositely, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, ornery, out of accord, out of whack, overthwart, perverse, perversely, polar, poles apart, poles asunder, ponderous, rebellious, recalcitrant, recanting, recusant, refractory, refutative, refutatory, refuting, renunciative, renunciatory, repressive, repudiative, repugnant, restive, restrictive, reverse, revocative, revocatory, rigorous, rival, self-willed, separate, separated, setoff, several, sinister, squared off, stifling, strangling, stressful, stubborn, stuffy, sulky, sullen, suppressive, the contrary, the other side, troublesome, troublous, trying, unaccommodating, unadaptable, unadjustable, uncompliant, unconformable, unconforming, uncongenial, uncooperative, unequal, unfavorable, unfortunate, unfriendly, unhandy, unharmonious, unlike, unlucky, unmanageable, unpropitious, unruly, unsubmissive, untoward, unwieldy, variant, varied, variegated, various, varying, vice versa, vis-a-vis, wayward, widely apart, worlds apart, wretched, wrongheaded