Meaning of DRAG in English


Pronunciation: ' drag

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English dragge, probably from Middle Low German draggen grapnel; akin to Old English dragan to draw ― more at DRAW

Date: 14th century

1 : something used to drag with especially : a device for dragging under water to detect or obtain objects

2 : something that is dragged, pulled, or drawn along or over a surface: as a : HARROW b : a sledge for conveying heavy bodies c : CONVEYANCE

3 a : the act or an instance of dragging or drawing: as (1) : a drawing along or over a surface with effort or pressure (2) : motion effected with slowness or difficulty also : the condition of having or seeming to have such motion (3) : a draw on a pipe, cigarette, or cigar also : a draft of liquid b : a movement, inclination, or retardation caused by or as if by dragging c slang : influence securing special favor : PULL

4 a : something that retards motion, action, or advancement b (1) : the retarding force acting on a body (as an airplane) moving through a fluid (as air) parallel and opposite to the direction of motion (2) : friction between engine parts also : retardation due to friction c : BURDEN , ENCUMBRANCE <the drag of population growth on living standards> d : one that is boring or gets in the way of enjoyment <thinks studying is a drag > <this sickly kid is going to be a social drag ― Edmund Morris>

5 a : an object drawn over the ground to leave a scented trail b : a clog fastened to a trap to prevent the escape of a trapped animal

6 : STREET , ROAD <the main drag >

7 a : COSTUME , OUTFIT <in Victorian drag > b : clothing typical of one sex worn by a person of the opposite sex ― often used in the phrase in drag


Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.