Meaning of DRAG in English


Function: verb

Inflected Form: dragged ; drag · ging

Date: 15th century

transitive verb

1 a (1) : to draw slowly or heavily : HAUL (2) : to cause (as oneself) to move with slowness or difficulty < dragged myself up the stairs> (3) : to cause to trail along a surface <wandered off dragging the leash> b (1) : to bring by or as if by force or compulsion <had to drag her husband to the opera> (2) : to extract by or as if by pulling c : PROTRACT < drag a story out>

2 a : to pass a drag over < drag a field> b : to explore with a drag < drag a pond> c : to catch with a dragnet

3 : to hit (a drag bunt) while moving toward first base

4 : to move (items on a computer screen) especially by means of a mouse

intransitive verb

1 : to hang or lag behind

2 : to fish or search with a drag

3 : to trail along on the ground

4 a : to move slowly because of fatigue <was dragging after the long trip> b : to proceed or continue laboriously or tediously <the lawsuit dragged on for years>

5 : DRAW 4A < drag on a cigarette>

6 : to make a plucking or pulling movement

7 : to participate in a drag race

– drag · ging · ly \ ' dra-gi ŋ -l ē \ adverb

– drag one's feet also drag one's heels : to act in a deliberately slow or dilatory manner

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.