Pronunciation: ' en-j ə n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English engin, from Anglo-French, from Latin ingenium natural disposition, talent, from in- + gignere to beget ― more at KIN
Date: 13th century
1 obsolete a : INGENUITY b : evil contrivance : WILE
2 a : something used to effect a purpose : AGENT , INSTRUMENT <mournful and terrible engine of horror and of crime ― E. A. Poe> b : something that produces a particular and usually desirable result < engine s of economic growth>
3 a : a mechanical tool: as (1) : an instrument or machine of war (2) obsolete : a torture implement b : MACHINERY c : any of various mechanical appliances ― often used in combination <fire engine >
4 : a machine for converting any of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion also : a mechanism or object that serves as an energy source <black holes may be the engine s for quasars>
5 : a railroad locomotive
6 : computer software that performs a fundamental function especially of a larger program
– en · gine · less adjective