Meaning of ENGINE in English

[en.gine] n [ME engin, fr. MF, fr. L ingenium natural disposition, talent, fr. in- + gignere to beget--more at kin] (13c) 1 obs a: ingenuity b: evil contrivance: wile

2: something used to effect a purpose: agent, instrument "mournful and terrible ~ of horror and of crime --E. A. Poe" 3 a: a mechanical tool: as (1): an instrument or machine of war (2) obs: a torture implement b: machinery c: any of various mechanical appliances--often used in combination "fire ~"

4: a machine for converting any of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion; also: a mechanism or object that serves as an energy source "black holes may be the ~s for quasars"

5: a railroad locomotive

[2]engine vt en.gined ; en.gin.ing (1868): to equip with engines

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