n. field pea
field worker
broken field
center field
color field
dark field
dark field microscope
depth of field
electric field
from the field
field artillery
field bed
field corn
field crop
field day
field effect transistor
field event
field glass
field goal
field grade
field guide
field hand
field hockey
field house
field judge
field lens
field magnet
field marshal
field mouse
field mushroom
field officer
field of force
field of honor
field of view
field of vision
field spaniel
field test
field theory
field trial
field trip
field winding
force field
Higgs field
ice field
killing field
landing field
left field
magnetic field
oil field
play the field
playing field
potter's field
quantum field theory
reverse field
reverse one's field
right field
track and field
vector field
visual field
elysian fields
Kolar Gold Fields
fielding percentage
fielding average