Pronunciation: ' h ə -s ə l
Function: verb
Inflected Form: hus · tled ; hus · tling \ ' h ə -s( ə -)li ŋ \
Etymology: Dutch husselen to shake, from Middle Dutch hutselen, frequentative of hutsen
Date: 1720
transitive verb
1 a : JOSTLE , SHOVE b : to convey forcibly or hurriedly c : to urge forward precipitately
2 a : to obtain by energetic activity < hustle up new customers> b : to sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity < hustling the suckers> c : to sell or promote energetically and aggressively < hustling a new product> d : to lure less skillful players into competing against oneself at (a gambling game) < hustle pool>
intransitive verb
3 a : to make strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business b : to obtain money by fraud or deception c : to engage in prostitution
4 : to play a game or sport in an alert aggressive manner
– hustle noun
– hus · tler \ ' h ə -sl ə r \ noun