Meaning of HUSTLE in English

[hus.tle] vb hus.tled ; hus.tling [D husselen to shake, fr. MD hutselen, freq. of hutsen] vt (1751) 1 a: jostle, shove b: to convey forcibly or hurriedly c: to urge forward precipitately

2. a: to obtain by energetic activity "~ up new customers" b: to sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and esp. underhanded activity "~ing the suckers" c: to sell or promote energetically and aggressively "~ing a new product" d: to lure less skillful players into competing against oneself at (a gambling game) "~ pool" ~ vi 1: shove, press

2: hasten, hurry 3 a: to make strenuous efforts to obtain esp. money or business b: to obtain money by fraud or deception c: to engage in prostitution

4: to play a game or sport in an alert aggressive manner -- hustle n -- hus.tler n

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