Meaning of INSTANCE in English


Pronunciation: ' in(t)-st ə n(t)s

Function: noun

Date: 14th century

1 a archaic : urgent or earnest solicitation b : INSTIGATION , REQUEST <am writing to you at the instance of my client> c obsolete : an impelling cause or motive

2 a archaic : EXCEPTION b : an individual illustrative of a category or brought forward in support or disproof of a generalization c obsolete : TOKEN , SIGN

3 : the institution and prosecution of a lawsuit : SUIT

4 : a step, stage, or situation viewed as part of a process or series of events <prefers, in this instance , to remain anonymous ― Times Lit. Supp. >

– for instance \ f ə - ' rin(t)-st ə n(t)s, ' frin(t)- \ : as an instance or example <older people, like my grandmother, for instance >

synonyms INSTANCE , CASE , ILLUSTRATION , EXAMPLE , SAMPLE , SPECIMEN mean something that exhibits distinguishing characteristics in its category. INSTANCE applies to any individual person, act, or thing that may be offered to illustrate or explain <an instance of history repeating itself>. CASE is used to direct attention to a real or assumed occurrence or situation that is to be considered, studied, or dealt with <a case of mistaken identity>. ILLUSTRATION applies to an instance offered as a means of clarifying or illuminating a general statement <a telling illustration of Murphy's Law>. EXAMPLE applies to a typical, representative, or illustrative instance or case <a typical example of bureaucratic waste>. SAMPLE implies a part or unit taken at random from a larger whole and so presumed to be typical of its qualities <show us a sample of your work>. SPECIMEN applies to any example or sample whether representative or merely existent and available <one of the finest specimens of the jeweler's art>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.