Pronunciation: ' jam
Function: verb
Inflected Form: jammed ; jam · ming
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1706
intransitive verb
1 a : to become blocked or wedged b : to become unworkable through the jamming of a movable part
2 : to force one's way into a restricted space
3 : to take part in a jam session
4 : DUNK 2
transitive verb
1 a : to press into a close or tight position < jam his hat on> b (1) : to cause to become wedged so as to be unworkable < jam the typewriter keys> (2) : to make unworkable by jamming c : to block passage of : OBSTRUCT d : to fill often to excess : PACK <the crowd jammed the theater>
2 : to push forcibly especially : to apply (brakes) suddenly and forcibly ― used with on
4 a : to make unintelligible by sending out interfering signals or messages b : to make (as a radar apparatus) ineffective by jamming signals or by causing reflection of radar waves
5 : to block, crowd, or bump (a pass receiver) near the line of scrimmage in football
6 : to pitch inside to (a batter)
– jam · mer \ ' ja-m ə r \ noun