Pronunciation: ' l ē f
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural leaves \ ' l ē vz \ also leafs \ ' l ē fs \
Usage: often attrib
Etymology: Middle English leef, from Old English l ē af; akin to Old High German loub leaf
Date: before 12th century
1 a (1) : a lateral outgrowth from a plant stem that is typically a flattened expanded variably shaped greenish organ, constitutes a unit of the foliage, and functions primarily in food manufacture by photosynthesis (2) : a modified leaf (as a bract or sepal) primarily engaged in functions other than food manufacture b (1) : FOLIAGE <trees in full leaf > (2) : the leaves of a plant as an article of commerce
2 : something suggestive of a leaf: as a : a part of a book or folded sheet containing a page on each side b (1) : a part (as of window shutters, folding doors, or gates) that slides or is hinged (2) : the movable parts of a table top c (1) : a thin sheet or plate of any substance : LAMINA (2) : metal (as gold or silver) in sheets usually thinner than foil (3) : one of the plates of a leaf spring
– leaf · less \ ' l ē f-l ə s \ adjective
– leaf · like \ ' l ē f- ˌ l ī k \ adjective
forms of leaf 1a(1): 1 needle-shaped, 2 linear, 3 lanceolate, 4 elliptical, 5 ensiform, 6 oblong, 7 oblanceolate with acuminate tip, 8 ovate with acute tip, 9 obovate, 10 spatulate, 11 fiddle-shaped, 12 cuneate, 13 deltoid, 14 cordate, 15 reniform, 16 orbiculate, 17 runcinate, 18 lyrate, 19 peltate, 20 hastate, 21 sagittate, 22 odd-pinnate, 23 abruptly pinnate, 24 trifoliolate, 25, 26 palmate