Meaning of LINE in English

n. date line

draw a line

tree line

absorption line

agate line

air line

A line

assembly line

attention line

battle line

blue line

bottom line

bright line

cell line

chow line

color line

conga line

contour line

credit line

digital subscriber line

down the line

draw the line

end line

fall into line

fall line

fault line

finish line

fire line

firing line

first line

flight line

foul line

front line

germ line

goal line

half line

hard line

heroic line

hog line

hold the line

hook line and sinker

inbounds line

in line

in line engine

in line skate

in line skating

in line skater

international date line

isogonic line

isometric line

lateral line

lead line

ledger line

leger line

on the line

on line

in line for

line one's pockets

line dance

line dancing

line dancer

line drawing

line drive

line engraving

line graph

line haul

line item

line item veto

line judge

line of credit

line of duty

line officer

line of force

line of scrimmage

line of sight

line out

line printer

line score

line squall

line storm

line up

load line

lubber line

Maginot Line

main line

morning line

number line

off line

old line

party line

picket line

Plimsoll line

plumb line

poverty line

production line

punch line

receiving line

rhumb line

scrimmage line

second line

service line

ship of the line

short line

Siegfried line

sight line

snow line

soft line

sounding line

spectral line

spring line

static line

story line

straight line

string line

three point line

tie line

time line

toe the line

top of the line

trunk line

Wallace's line

white line

worry line

yard line

Z line

Line Islands

Mason Dixon Line

hard lines

between the lines

read between the lines

skew lines

long lining

silver lining

apron string

cosmic string

first string

G string

pull the string

second string

on the string

string along

string bass

string bean

string bikini

string cheese

string quartet

string theory

string tie

pull strings

purse strings

high strung

strung out

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.