Meaning of METER in English


Pronunciation: ' m ē -t ə r

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English & Anglo-French; Old English m ē ter, from Latin metrum, from Greek metron measure, meter; Anglo-French metre, from Latin metrum ― more at MEASURE

Date: before 12th century

1 a : systematically arranged and measured rhythm in verse: (1) : rhythm that continuously repeats a single basic pattern <iambic meter > (2) : rhythm characterized by regular recurrence of a systematic arrangement of basic patterns in larger figures <ballad meter > b : a measure or unit of metrical verse ― usually used in combination <penta meter > ― compare FOOT 4 c : a fixed metrical pattern : verse form

2 : the basic recurrent rhythmical pattern of note values, accents, and beats per measure in music

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