Meaning of PACE in English


Pronunciation: ' p ā s

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English pas, from Anglo-French, stride, step, from Latin passus, from pandere to spread ― more at FATHOM

Date: 14th century

1 a : rate of movement especially : an established rate of locomotion b : rate of progress specifically : parallel rate of growth or development <supplies kept pace with demand> c : an example to be emulated specifically : first place in a competition <three strokes off the pace ― Time > d (1) : rate of performance or delivery : TEMPO <a steady pace > <on pace to set a record> especially : SPEED <serves with great pace > <a pace bowler in cricket> (2) : rhythmic animation : FLUENCY <writes with color, with zest, and with pace ― Amy Loveman>

2 : a manner of walking : TREAD

3 a : STEP 2A(1) b : any of various units of distance based on the length of a human step

4 a plural : an exhibition or test of skills or capacities <the trainer put the tiger through its pace s > b : GAIT especially : a fast 2-beat gait (as of the horse) in which the legs move in lateral pairs and support the animal alternately on the right and left legs

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