Meaning of PARALLEL in English


Function: noun

Date: 1551

1 a : a parallel line, curve, or surface b : one of the imaginary circles on the surface of the earth paralleling the equator and marking the latitude also : the corresponding line on a globe or map ― see LATITUDE illustration c : a character ‖ used in printing especially as a reference mark

2 a : something equal or similar in all essential particulars : COUNTERPART b : SIMILARITY , ANALOGUE

3 : a comparison to show resemblance

4 a : the state of being physically parallel b : an arrangement of electrical devices in a circuit in which the same potential difference is applied to two or more resistances with each resistance being on a different branch of the circuit ― compare SERIES c : an arrangement or state that permits several operations or tasks to be performed simultaneously rather than consecutively

– in parallel : in a parallel arrangement

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