Meaning of PERISH in English


Pronunciation: ' per-ish, ' pe-rish

Function: verb

Etymology: Middle English perisshen, from Anglo-French periss-, stem of perir, from Latin perire, from per- detrimentally + ire to go ― more at PER- , ISSUE

Date: 13th century

intransitive verb

1 : to become destroyed or ruined : cease to exist <recollection of a past already long since perish ed ― Philip Sherrard> <guard against your mistakes or your attempts ( perish the thought) to cheat ― C. B. Davis>

2 chiefly British : DETERIORATE , SPOIL

transitive verb

1 chiefly British : to cause to die : DESTROY


Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.