Function: verb
Etymology: alteration of Middle English pounen, from Old English p ū nian
Date: 1594
transitive verb
1 : to reduce to powder or pulp by beating
2 a : to strike heavily or repeatedly b : to produce with or as if with repeated vigorous strokes ― usually used with out < pound out a story on the typewriter> c : to inculcate by insistent repetition : DRIVE <day after day the facts were pound ed home to them ― Ivy B. Priest> d : to move, throw, or carry forcefully and aggressively < pound the ball down the field>
3 : to move along heavily or persistently < pound ed the pavement looking for work>
4 : to drink or consume rapidly : SLUG < pound down some beers>
intransitive verb
1 : to strike heavy repeated blows
2 : PULSATE , THROB <my heart was pound ing >
3 a : to move with or make a heavy repetitive sound b : to work hard and continuously ― usually used with away