Pronunciation: ' p ə f
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pyffan, of imitative origin
Date: before 12th century
intransitive verb
1 a (1) : to blow in short gusts (2) : to exhale forcibly b : to breathe hard : PANT c : to emit small whiffs or clouds (as of smoke) often as an accompaniment to vigorous action < puff at a pipe>
2 : to speak or act in a scornful, conceited, or exaggerated manner
3 a : to become distended : SWELL ― usually used with up b : to open or appear in or as if in a puff
4 : to form a chromosomal puff
transitive verb
1 a : to emit, propel, blow, or expel by or as if by puffs : WAFT b : to draw on (as a cigar, cigarette, or pipe) with intermittent exhalations of smoke
2 a : to distend with or as if with air or gas : INFLATE b : to make proud or conceited : ELATE c (1) : to praise extravagantly and usually with exaggeration <authors puff ing their own work> (2) : ADVERTISE