Meaning of REGISTER in English


Pronunciation: ' re-j ə -st ə r

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English registre, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin registrum, alteration of Late Latin regesta, plural, register, from Latin, neuter plural of regestus, past participle of regerere to bring back, pile up, collect, from re- + gerere to bear

Date: 14th century

1 : a written record containing regular entries of items or details

2 a : a book or system of public records b : a roster of qualified or available individuals <a civil service register >

3 : an entry in a register

4 a : a set of organ pipes of like quality : STOP b (1) : the range of a human voice or a musical instrument (2) : a portion of such a range similarly produced or of the same quality c : any of the varieties of a language that a speaker uses in a particular social context

5 : a grille often with shutters for admitting heated air or for ventilation


7 a : an automatic device registering a number or a quantity b : a number or quantity so registered c : CASH REGISTER

8 : a condition of correct alignment or proper relative position

9 : a device (as in a computer) for storing small amounts of data especially : one in which data can be both stored and operated on

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.