Function: intransitive verb
Date: 14th century
1 a : to come to an end : EXPIRE <time ran out > b : to become exhausted or used up <the gasoline ran out >
2 : to jut out
transitive verb
1 a : to finish out (as a course, series, or contest) : COMPLETE b of a baseball batter : to run hard to first base after hitting (a batted ball) < ran out the grounder>
2 a : to fill out (a typeset line) with quads, leaders, or ornaments b : to set (as the first line of a paragraph) with a hanging indention
3 : to exhaust (oneself) in running
4 : to cause to leave by force or coercion : EXPEL
– run out of : to use up the available supply of < ran out of time>
– run out on : DESERT