Meaning of SHARP in English


Pronunciation: ' shärp

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English scearp; akin to Old High German scarf sharp and perhaps to Old English scrapian to scrape ― more at SCRAPE

Date: before 12th century

1 : adapted to cutting or piercing: as a : having a thin keen edge or fine point b : briskly or bitingly cold : NIPPING <a sharp wind>

2 a : keen in intellect : QUICK-WITTED b : keen in perception : ACUTE < sharp sight> c : keen in attention : VIGILANT <keep a sharp lookout> d : keen in attention to one's own interest sometimes to the point of being unethical <a sharp trader> also : CORRUPT , UNETHICAL < sharp business practices>

3 : keen in spirit or action: as a : full of activity or energy : BRISK < sharp blows> b : capable of acting or reacting strongly especially : CAUSTIC

4 : SEVERE , HARSH : as a : inclined to or marked by irritability or anger <a sharp temper> b : causing intense mental or physical distress <a sharp pain> c : cutting in language or import <a sharp rebuke>

5 : affecting the senses or sense organs intensely: as a (1) : having a strong odor or flavor < sharp cheese> (2) : ACRID b : having a strong piercing sound c : having the effect of or involving a sudden brilliant display of light <a sharp flash>

6 a : terminating in a point or edge < sharp features> b : involving an abrupt or marked change especially in direction <a sharp turn> c : clear in outline or detail : DISTINCT <a sharp image> d : set forth with clarity and distinctness < sharp contrast>

7 a of a tone : raised a half step in pitch b : higher than the proper pitch c : MAJOR , AUGMENTED ― used of an interval in music


– sharp · ly adverb

– sharp · ness noun

synonyms SHARP , KEEN , ACUTE mean having or showing alert competence and clear understanding. SHARP implies quick perception, clever resourcefulness, or sometimes questionable trickiness < sharp enough to spot a confidence game>. KEEN suggests quickness, enthusiasm, and a penetrating mind <a keen observer of the political scene>. ACUTE implies a power to penetrate and may suggest subtlety and sharpness of discrimination <an acute sense of style>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.