Meaning of SIGH in English


Pronunciation: ' s ī

Function: verb

Etymology: Middle English sihen, alteration of sichen, from Old English s ī can; akin to Middle Dutch ver siken to sigh

Date: 13th century

intransitive verb

1 : to take a deep audible breath (as in weariness or relief)

2 : to make a sound like sighing <wind sigh ing in the branches>

3 : GRIEVE , YEARN < sigh ing for days gone by>

transitive verb

1 : to express by sighs

2 archaic : to utter sighs over : MOURN

– sigh · er \ ' s ī (- ə )r \ noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.