I. ˈsī verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English sihen, sighen (past sihte, sighte ), probably alteration (after such pairs as Middle English techen to teach: tahte, taghte taught) of sichen, from Old English sīcan; akin to Middle Dutch ver siken to sigh
intransitive verb
1. : to let out slowly and audibly a deeply drawn breath especially as the involuntary expression of weariness, dejection, grief, regret, longing, yearning, relief
2. : to make a sound like sighing
wind sighing in the branches
the sails did sigh like sedge — S.T.Coleridge
3. : lament , grieve , yearn — used often with for
sighing for the days of his youth
transitive verb
a. : to express by sighs : utter in or with sighs
sighed out her grief
poor shawled woman sighing her prayers — Sean O'Faolain
b. : to breathe out in sighs
drove his blade … to the bull's heart … as the wild life sighed itself out, and vanished — C.G.D.Roberts
2. archaic : to utter sighs over : mourn
shall bless her name, and sigh her fate — Matthew Prior
3. : to spend or waste in sighing
sighing away his days
4. : to bring by sighs into a particular state
sighed himself to sleep
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English sihe, sighe, from sihen, sighen, v.
1. : an act of sighing : a deep and prolonged audible inspiration and expiration of air especially when involuntary and expressing some emotion or feeling (as grief, yearning, weariness, or relief)
sighs of parting
2. : the sound of gently moving or escaping air
sigh of the summer breeze
the engine stopped with a sigh