Meaning of SOLECISM in English


Pronunciation: ' sä-l ə - ˌ si-z ə m, ' s ō -

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin soloecismus, from Greek soloikismos, from soloikos speaking incorrectly, literally, inhabitant of Soloi, from Soloi, city in ancient Cilicia where a substandard form of Attic was spoken

Date: circa 1555

1 : an ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence also : a minor blunder in speech

2 : something deviating from the proper, normal, or accepted order

3 : a breach of etiquette or decorum

– so · le · cis · tic \ ˌ sä-l ə - ' sis-tik, ˌ s ō - \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.