Function: transitive verb
Date: 15th century
1 a : to fill by packing things in : CRAM <the boy stuff ed his pockets with candy> b : to fill to satiety : SURFEIT < stuff ed themselves with turkey> c : to prepare (meat or vegetables) by filling or lining with a stuffing d : to fill (as a cushion) with a soft material e : to fill out the skin of (an animal) for mounting
2 a : to fill by intellectual effort < stuff ing their heads with facts> b : to pack full of something immaterial <a book stuff ed with information>
3 : to fill or block up (as nasal passages)
4 a : to cause to enter or fill : THRUST < stuff ed a lot of clothing into a laundry bag> b : to put (as a ball or puck) into a goal forcefully from close range
5 ― used in the imperative to express contempt <if they didn't like it, stuff 'em ― Eric Clapton> ― often used in the phrases stuff it and get stuffed
6 : to stop (a ballcarrier) abruptly in a football game < stuff ed the runner just short of a first down>